2nd Generation Mercedes-Benz C Class Air Conditioning Problems

German luxury automakers, Mercedes-Benz has been producing its compact line of autos, known as the C-Class, for almost twenty-five years. These executive sedans have great handling and feature luxury components. The W203, especially, has been a popular model with its owners, however, issues do arise that need to be addressed.

Owners of the W203 have complained of problems with the air conditioning units in their vehicles. Some drivers have reported that the air conditioning system failed after about 70,000 miles. Only hot air blows even when the temperature has been switched to the lowest possible setting. This could be a result of a complete failure of the system, in which case it would need to be replaced.

If you suspect that there is freon leaking from the unit, then you should bring the car in to have some tests run. It is possible that being low on coolant could also be responsible as this can cause leakage. It is also possible as well that there have been some other electrical failures. This is something that most people in variable climates will want to address before the weather gets too warm and riding in the car becomes unbearable.

If you are the owner of a Mercedes-Benz C Class sedan and are experiencing problems with the air conditioner leaking freon or not working properly, then you should take your vehicle in to a nearby German Import technician for a complete diagnosis. A trained mechanic will be able to run tests on the system to determine the cause of the leak.

Search for a local, independent Mercedes-Benz repair shop with Mercedes-Benz mechanics that have dealer-level expertise at a fraction of the expense.