From 2005 to 2011, German manufacturer Mercedes-Benz produced its second generation M Class midsize sport utility vehicles. Because these vehicles were so dependable, many Mercedes-Benz M Class SUV’s are still on the road today. Although they typically have no mechanical problems, some Mercedes owners have functional issues with their SUVs.
An issue that comes up frequently with Mercedes-Benz drivers is faulty reading on their fuel gauges. This may occur on brand new vehicles, or it may be a problem on vehicles that have functioned properly for years. The fuel gauge may register zero, even on a full tank of gas. Or the fuel readings may suddenly change as the driver is cruising down the road. This is clearly a problem for any driver, as you may not know if you are driving around on a nearly empty tank of gas!
The root cause of a faulty fuel reading may be one of two separate issues. The first issue may be a faulty sensor in the gas tank. Due to the size of most gas tanks in Mercedes SUVs, the tank requires two sensors, one for full to half a tank and the other for half to empty. Either one may have failed. The other cause could be a fault in the computer’s programming which sends the message to the dashboard.
Both of the repairs required for this problem are rather delicate and are best left for a professional. If you have problematic fuel readings with your Mercedes-Benz SUV, the best course of action is to take it to an expert Mercedes-Benz service center for examination. The helpful service professionals would be happy to assist you with this or any other issue you may be experiencing with your Mercedes-Benz.
Search for a local, independent Mercedes-Benz repair shop with Mercedes-Benz mechanics that have dealer-level expertise at a fraction of the expense.